Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lovely October Holiday

Before I begin, I'd like to post this picture of our dinner last night, because it's pretty cool. It was quite delicious as well.

Okay, thats all.
So, I had a really awesome time over our week and a half vacation. (The last bit of October. I know, I'm a little late) We made sort of a loop down through the center/south of France and got to visit tons of really cool towns. I took about a bajillion pictures but for some reason they upload really slowly to this blog. So I'll post a few on here, and more on facebook.
Just one picture of the beautiful French country side
                                          A lot of the towns we visited were from the middle ages
One of the gorgeous castles we saw
So this town here is really famous for its Foie Gras, or duck liver. I only tried one bite (and it was stuffed in chicken) So I'm not sure if that totally counts, but I thought it was reall good. Bleu Cheese, not so much. But I'll get to that later.
I tried a little wine almost everyday. I don't think I've "acquired the taste" yet, but I don't think its disgusting like I used to.
Dinner with family we visited

So this is the town of Roquefort (Bleu cheese). I figured I couldn't leave without tasting a little bleu cheese, even though I haven't had much luck with the whole french cheese thing. So I tried it. The unfortunate thing is that it kinda got stuck in my throat when I tried to wash it down with some water, and I did that thing like when you inhale powder sugar or your water goes down the wrong pipe and you go into a big coughing fit and your eyes water and you turn kinda red. I kept trying to explain though my coughing that it wasn't because of the cheese. So yeah, I don't think I'll make that a regular thing. I guess that's what you can expect from cheese that spends 21 months in a humid cave.

Dang it, I turned these but they still show up sideways, sorry. We (Ludovic, Lucie and I) did a really fun ropes course.

Another Beautiful Castle we visited.

So we visited this really cool, humungous bridge. The sky was super blue and it just looked amazing. It was weird being in middle aged towns one morning and then at this giant modern bridge that afternoon.

We ate a little cafés pretty much everyday as well, I loved getting to try all these cool different foods.

So, I just thought this was so awesome: we got to stay a night in this super amazing castle. Totally authentic, old, real French Castle. With stone spiral staricases and lookout towers and evreything. Lucie (my host sister) said she prefers American hotels with pools and wifi. I think she's crazy :)

And our halls were lined with these pleasent warthog (boar? are those the same thing?) faces. Sleep tight.

Fondue at a café, yummy

So there it all is, finally! Thanksgiving is coming up, its going to be weird going to school (until 5 that day-ugh), but my family decided to have a thanksgiving dinner, I'm getting ready to make a pumpkin pie (which my host siblings think is gross, but after all the weird cheeses I keep trying, I'm making them all taste it). School is going pretty well. I still pretty much fail all my tests but I'm getting better at taking notes and all. Hope to post a little more soon, but for now, au revoir!